Reduced or No-Tilling

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Can Cover Crops & No-Till Reduce Dairy Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

Reducing dairy greenhouse gas emissions is a whole-farm task. Cover crops and no-till are just one part of the solution.

No Till, No Problem: Farmers Share Benefits Of Adopting Soil Health Practices

Changing farm management to use soil health practices like cover crops and no-till can be complicated. But these on-farm changes show some clear benefits for preventing erosion and improving soil for generations to come.

Can Dual-Use Cover Crops & No-Till Make Dairy Farming More Sustainable?

Cover crops can be useful tools to capture excess nutrients. So what happens on a no-till dairy farm when cover crops are left on the field?

How Does Reducing Tillage and Adding Cover Crops Impact Farm Income?

Changing practices might come with some changing expenses, but how do these practices impact farm income in the long term?

How Much Farmland Is Eligible for Reduced Tillage or No-Till?

139 million acres of farmland in the US are still eligible to change crop production practices to reduce tillage, according to United States Department of Agriculture data from 2016.