Getting Started with Content Filters

Decode 6 covers topics such as carbon emissions, nutrient management, economics, and soil health.

Getting Started with Content Filters

All content on the Decode 6 platform has been curated and reviewed to provide science-backed information to inform and guide agronomic decisions. Our primary audience groups include Certified Professionals, Farmers & Growers, and Educators & Students. Much of the Decode 6 content is cross-listed among these three user groups.

Which user group best fits you? Select a category to get started!

  • Certified Professionals may seek background data in support of client conversations.
  • Farmers can use Decode 6 to become familiar with the basics and explore market opportunities.
  • Educators & Students can access a breakdown of concepts with links for extended learning.

Not a certified professional, farmer, or in education? Feel free to dive in. We’re sure you’ll find articles, podcasts, or videos to pique your interest and extend your learning.


Screenshot of the user group categories displayed on home page.


Then, apply topic filters to sort content by subject area. Content can be filtered using these categories:

  • Carbon 101, with collections on agriculture & emissions, carbon & soil, and measuring soil carbon
  • Crop Type, including content specific to corn and turfgrass
  • Carbon Markets, with collections specific to the basics, eligible practices, and policy & regulation
  • Farming Practices, which includes cover crops, reduced or no-till, soil compaction, nutrient and water management, on-farm technology, farm economics, and soil biology
  • Livestock, with collections specific to dairy and beef
  • Soil Heath & Agroecosystem Management, and
  • Regulation & Policy, with content specific to soils and farm-scale policy

Many of the Decode 6 content pieces are cross-listed across these topics, as there is natural overlap.

Select an article or podcast to get started. The platform will suggest other related materials that might pique your interest. Each piece of content also contains links to the science and reference materials if you would like to learn more or go into greater detail.

Seem like a lot? Our newsletter is a great way to keep on top of when new content is added!